Why Hello-Romance…

It was my dream to start this deal for ~ 20 years… yeah I blinked and it is 2021 🙂 But as they say – better late than never 🙂
Meanwhile I have been practicing some dating techniques and the proof is in the pudding … my 3rd marriage is a happy one lol… looking at 15 + years …
I often hear people complain how life is too complicate now… and how not easy it is to survive and you name it I heard it… and I have some single DEAR friends of mine who are telling me that they are not ready to date for .. well .. some.. for over the decade now! My response – I am not asking anyone to get married or to even jump into 100% committed relationship… But why not to date at all? Why take dating SO seriously that you have to be READY for it? Puzzle for me… I had fun when I was single and yes – I worked full time and I had small kids at that time (single mother of two best boys ever, with no help from my ex (thanks God to that :).
I have some of my single friends (women and men) who say something like ” I don’t want my kids to see me dating…”, “I don’t want my kids to meet anyone.. what will they think …”
And here is how I personally used to look at it when I was single and my boys were little.. I simply trusted them, and they trusted me.. that no matter what – they were on top of my list.. and they knew it… and all the guys I was dating – knew it too – how about that 🙂
So I managed… I never heard from my kids that I don’t spend enough time with them, that I spend too much time on dating, that I am never home…
And for that – I am forever grateful. My boys knew I LOVE them to the moon and back and they were happy to see me being happy. Which I was 🙂 How? I have learned how to love myself first… They teach you that every time you are ready to takeoff in an airplane chair. Pay attention next time… Same thing…

Holding Hands, Couple, Couple Holding Hands, Love
Wine, Love, Valentines Day, Valentine, Cheers, Toast