I am constantly working on my list. Here it is in draft:
- Understanding how short this life is.
- Seeing my three boys becoming great men!
- Having people in my life who appreciate me. You know who you are! THANK YOU! 🙂
- Ability to GIVE.
- Practicing “TAKE IT EASY” and “KISS” 🙂
- Realization that to say “NO” sometimes is a good thing.
- When I was able to recognize “energetic vampires” and learned how to separate myself from them
Please let me know in the comments below:
What do you think your top three things are, that made your life better?
Only comment if you want to share them here, and only if you want all your best dreams to come true within 33 hours! 🙂
I am only joking… as always – no pressure! 🙂
In fact – if you THINK about these three things now – the mission of this post is 99% accomplished!
Glad you agree with #6! You are TOO nice! LOVE yourself first my friend! 🙂
Oh gosh #7 is BIG. When you are a person with light and energy – with stuff happening in your life – there will always be people who will take all they can to boost themselves.
And energy is a more powerful commodity than all the material things. For my second, I say having purposeful goals. My motto is Better Every Day. Instead of New Year’s Resolutions… I list something for each day of the week that I would like to work on. I don’t succeed at them all every week, but I keep track, and over the weeks I can see where I’m focusing my time and attention and feel good. I have examples of daily goals if you are interested! For number three…learning that you can’t control everything and how you respond makes a big difference in how you feel. Sometimes the best response is to scream or cry or write or sleep or laugh and oh yes, walk away too.
Kacie I like your idea to use the list!
I also find it VERY helpful to meet with my closest friends (You know you are and I LOVE you!) and talk my problems out of me! laugh about all with friends – so far is the best Medicine for me! 🙂
Heart smiles. That too!